
Tell me the craziest thing you’ve ever experienced while travelling

Tell me the craziest thing you’ve ever experienced while travelling

Recently I saw the following tweet and, dear reader, I was horrified.

Twitter: @Cluffalo

I don’t want to sound like an old man yelling at Cloud, but my God, why are people so rude on public transport these days?! Can’t we get through this horrible experience together?

To this end, I have a request: Please tell me the wildest, strangest and/or worst thing you have experienced while traveling.

Maybe you were stuck on a bus in sweltering heat or freezing cold weather trying to get you from point A to point B. Or maybe you were stuck at the airport for 36 hours without hearing from the airline. Tell me about it!

Nick Offerman in warm winter clothing sits at a desk with a computer in an officeNick Offerman in warm winter clothing sits at a desk with a computer in an office


A bit macabre, but I once heard the story of someone who was next to a body on an airplane because the man next to them died silently in mid-flight. If that’s happened to you, I want to know what it was like.

Oscar Martinez, a character from Oscar Martinez, a character from

Oscar Martinez, a character from

Oscar Martinez gasps and covers his mouth with his hand in what appears to be an office settingOscar Martinez gasps and covers his mouth with his hand in what appears to be an office setting

Oscar Martinez gasps and covers his mouth with his hand in what appears to be an office setting


Maybe you were just seated on a table by an absolute nutcase. For 11 hours. On an international flight. Explain to us the subtle details of that experience!

Kristen Wiig, wearing a black dress, imitates wearing glasses from the film with her fingers in front of a bald man in a suit and tie "Bridesmaids"Kristen Wiig, wearing a black dress, imitates wearing glasses from the film with her fingers in front of a bald man in a suit and tie "Bridesmaids"

Universal Images

Or maybe you were on a big family trip, enjoyed a big, fancy meal, and then… everyone got food poisoning. Or everyone had a huge fight. Or someone got lost. If this or a similar misfortune has happened, tell me about it!

Kim Kardashian wears a sleeveless top with a necklace and sits on a sofa with a phone in her hand with an excited and surprised expression on her faceKim Kardashian wears a sleeveless top with a necklace and sits on a sofa with a phone in her hand with an excited and surprised expression on her face

Whatever your story is, whether it’s completely crazy or seemingly random, I want to hear it. So feel free to share your story in the comments below! Or, if you prefer, you can fill out this anonymous Google form. Your story could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed post!

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