
Massachusetts Governor and Union Leaders Open 57th Congress

Massachusetts Governor and Union Leaders Open 57th Congress

Marty Walsh, CEO of the NHL Players Association, Maura Healy, Governor of Massachusetts, and Timothy Driscoll, President of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, delivered powerful messages about the importance of political engagement and union solidarity at the 57th Congress.

Walsh, a former U.S. Secretary of Labor, Mayor of Boston and honorary member of Local 718, emphasized the critical role of political engagement in shaping policies that impact firefighters every day.

“Eddie doesn’t just sit there and wait; he goes out and fights for what he believes is right for his members,” Walsh said, referring to IAFF President Edward Kelly. “You have to be involved in the political process because what happens in state legislatures, in Congress, in city halls affects you every day.”

Walsh reiterated his support for firefighters, saying, “To America – here’s a former mayor, a former Secretary of Labor, a former elected official who says these words every day – I love firefighters. I will always stand with firefighters.”

You need to be involved in the political process because what happens in state legislatures, Congress, and city halls affects you every day.

Marty Walsh, CEO of the NHL Players Association

Driscoll praised the IAFF’s commitment to workplace safety and solidarity, and highlighted its support for members of Local I-66 in Renton, Washington, during a recent lockout.

“Workplace safety is one of the most important goals of all unions, and your union’s commitment to health and safety is unmatched,” Driscoll said. “Your determination to help your brothers and sisters in times of need is an inspiration to every other union in North America.”

Healy praised the IAFF’s achievements and stressed the importance of better pay and protection for firefighters. “We believe that all of our firefighters should be well paid, properly equipped and protected from injury,” Healy said. “In Massachusetts, we stand with you.”

Healy also praised the IAFF’s efforts to remove harmful PFAS chemicals from firefighter gear. “Your fight against powerful corporate interests to remove PFAS from your gear is a mission that requires everyone to pitch in. I’m proud to stand with you,” she said.

In a call for national unity, Healy praised the IAFF’s commitment to service and community despite differences.

“We may feel divided as a nation, sometimes we may not agree on everything, but today I want to stress the importance of promoting national unity. The dedication of firefighters to their service, their community and their country is a powerful example and something that can unite us all,” she said.

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