
Dear Annie, How do I get my husband to stop browsing dating websites?

Dear Annie, How do I get my husband to stop browsing dating websites?

Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married for five years. We have a beautiful daughter and a son on the way. But I keep catching my husband using dating websites and chat rooms for singles. When I confront him about it, he gets angry and says, “It’s been months!” But when I check the browser history, newer websites keep showing up. He says he never talks to anyone, he just looks. How can I make him understand that I love him and that these are not websites for married people? Should I just give up and end the marriage? I’m at a loss. – Taken for granted

Dear Taken: You don’t have to make it clear to him that these sites aren’t for married people. He already knows. He just doesn’t care, or he’s too addicted to the high to stop. Either way, his blatant disregard for your feelings is shocking, and the fact that he’s doing all this while you’re pregnant makes it even worse. If you both really want to get through this, you need the help of a marriage counselor. If he refuses to go, it may be time to discreetly talk to an attorney about your options.

Dear readers, Annie has this week off. Today’s column was published in 2021.

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