The video was recorded on Wednesday, the same night that Gus was seen tearfully cheering for his father from the audience. While many initially praised the Walz family’s heartfelt expression of love, the newly surfaced footage drew criticism, with some interpreting the gesture as too aggressive.
Gus, who has a nonverbal learning disability and an anxiety disorder, appeared emotional during his father’s speech, mouthing “That’s my dad!” while pointing to Walz on stage. However, the heartwarming scene has since been overshadowed by the controversy surrounding the video.
There were mixed reactions on social media, with some viewers suggesting Walz’s actions may have been motivated by excitement or urgency in the moment. Others, however, saw the gesture as a disturbing insight into his personality. Comments on X (formerly Twitter) ranged from those expressing concern about Walz’s “aggressive behavior” to those accusing him of using his son as a political prop.
One user commented, “Tim showing his true colors looks completely unnecessary. I’m glad he put that on display for all of America to see,” while another said, “Tim Walz pulling on his son’s arm on stage is more than just a bad look – it’s a sign of lack of self-control and poor judgment.”
The backlash comes at a critical time for Walz, who is Kamala Harris’s vice presidential running mate. His speech at the DNC was meant to bolster support for Democrats, but the narrative has since shifted on the issue. viral videowhich raises questions about the optics and possible impact on his election campaign.
While some defenders argue the moment was exaggerated, others believe it provided insight into Walz’s character that could potentially taint his public image in the run-up to the election. The incident has added a new layer of complexity to what was initially seen as a strong showing by the Walz family at the DNC.