Brian Collins was involved in an incident with Jillian McNeight on February 26 while she was attending the Writer’s Round event on Whiskey Row. On June 12, McNeight reported that while she was attending the event, Collins approached her and kissed her on the mouth. McNeight told officers that the kiss was unsolicited and that she found it highly offensive.
When detectives questioned Collins under Miranda Law, he stated that he was drunk the night of the incident and did not remember what happened. Surveillance footage from that night was obtained from Whiskey Row and shows what happened. The video shows Collins talking to McNeight and then turning away from her to walk away. Collins then stopped, turned around and placed his hands on McNeight’s head to kiss her. After Collins kissed McNeight and walked away, she sat there open-mouthed in surprise and amazement. Brian Collins was later summoned and charged with assault on August 19.
Brian Collins, of Thackery Drive in Nashville, Tennessee, was arrested on August 19 on a summons for assault.
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