
foreign investment increases, 3,300 European companies contribute to wealth creation

foreign investment increases, 3,300 European companies contribute to wealth creation

Foreign investment in Tunisia increased by 13.8 percent in the first half of 2023 compared to 2023, reaching 1.39 billion dinars (around 412 million euros). This is according to data published by the Tunisian Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Investment (Fipa), according to which 3,300 European companies operating in Tunisia provide jobs to 407,000 people, contributing to the creation of wealth and the development of the North African country. According to Fipa, foreign direct investment (FDI) recorded an increase of 26.6 percent, reaching 1.38 billion dinars (around 410 million euros), compared to 1.09 billion dinars (around 323 million euros) in the first half of last year. Portfolio investments, i.e. shareholders’ holdings in the stock market, recorded a decrease of 89.9 percent, reaching 13.6 million dinars (around 4 million euros), compared to 134.4 million dinars (around 39.8 million euros) in the reference period of 2023.

The manufacturing sector attracted the most foreign investments: 792 million dinars (around 235 million euros), compared to 521 million dinars (around 155 million euros) in the first half of last year. Investments in the energy sector reached 318.2 million dinars (around 95 million euros), compared to 237.3 million dinars (around 70 million euros) attracted from January to June 2023. Investments in the agricultural sector also performed well, which recorded a 300 percent jump, from 2.92 million dinars (866 thousand euros) in the first half of 2023 to 11.7 million dinars (around 3.4 million euros) in the first half of this year. However, investments in the services sector decreased by 21.9 percent, reaching 253.5 69.8 million euros in the first half of 2024, compared to 324.7 million dinars (96.3 million euros) in the same period of 2023. The recorded inflow of non-energy foreign direct investment enabled the implementation of 610 investment operations with a total value of 1.06 billion euros, creating 4,820 new jobs in the first half of 2024.

52 percent of foreign direct investment is concentrated in the Greater Tunis area (553.5 million dinars, equivalent to about 164 million euros), mainly in the Governorate of Tunis with 314.9 million dinars (93.3 million euros) and in the Northeastern region with over 26 percent of foreign direct investment or 278 million dinars (82.4 million euros). The main foreign investor is France with investments of 344.2 million dinars (around 102 million euros) – 32 percent of the total – followed by Italy with 141.3 million dinars (around 42 million euros) and Germany with 115.3 million dinars (around 34 million euros). Then come Spain with 79.6 million dinars (23.6 million euros) and Qatar with investments of 72.5 million dinars (21.6 million euros).

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